On June 7, 2013 the Queer Spirit Water Project in Ankyease, Ghana was Commissioned, marking the successful completion of drilling, hand pump installation, and community training. The photos and videos below show how the projected moved forward in the community of Ankyease, Upper Bobikuma, Central Region, Ghana. Thank you to Jerry Buie and all those in the Queer Spirit and Salt Lake City communities who make this project possible!





Water Project Progress

August 2012 – Jerry Buie takes a drumming class from Andy Jones
Sept 22, 2012 – Andy attends Jerry’s Sweat Lodge where water was the inspiried topic of prayers
Sept 29, 2012 – The QueerSpirit Water Project was created
Oct 2012 – Feb 2013 – Drum workshop & sweat lodge fundraisers
Mar 2, 2013 – Culminating Benefit Concert & Auction fundraiser
Mar 6, 2013 – Funds transfered to begin water project in Ghana
Mar 10, 2013 – Stacy Cole hosts the Singing Circle Fundraiser 
Mar 11, 2013 – Hydrogeological surveying begins in Ankyease village
March 30, 2013 – Drilling rig mobilized and supplies purchased 
April 6, 2013 – Drilling begins
May 11, 2013 – Drilling Complete
June 1, 2013 – Hand pump installed and training complete
June 7, 2013 – Commissioning of bore hole- Project Complete!  

Millions of people who live in rural Ghana and Liberia have a problem: The only water they can get is contaminated and makes them sick. Jerry Buie and the Queer Spirit community in Salt Lake City, Utah have the answer. Starting November 10th a series of drum circle fundraisers, in connection with media awareness campaigns, will be launched to raise the $7,000 required to provide the residents of one village in Ghana with a bore hole, and $2,000 for a hand dug well in a Liberian village. These new water sources will provide clean water for drinking, cooking, washing, and irrigating. Jerry and friends are engaged in a cause that will literally save lives and forever improve the quality of life for hundreds of people. Ankyease is the first village that will benefit from the QueerSpirit Water Project.

In his monthly email, Jerry said, "Last week in a Sweat Lodge Ceremony, the prayers and words spoken in behalf of water touched me deeply.  I have come to listen to my intuition in that sacred place of the lodge. …The same water for which you can get up and get from your sink,  people in parts of African must travel two to three hours a day to retrieve….In the lodge I thought,  how it is that this resource we pray and give thanks, perhaps might be calling us to be of service, if you will, to put our prayer and words to work! "

We are grateful for Jerry’s generosity and willingness to follow his inspiration to make a difference for our friends in Ankyease!

For details about these upcoming fundraising events sponsored by QueerSpirit, please visit this link to their website (QueerSpirit.org – mature content advisory). Donations are tax deductible, and can be made to Africa Heartwood Project at any time in the name of the QueerSpirit Water Project. All funds are held in reserve in Donor Managed Fund for this specific project, and when enough funds are available the project will be implemented. 

Event Details

In Memory of Glen Huling
Diane Huling has requested that in lieu of flowers for her recently departed husband’s memorial services, donations be made to the Queer Spirit Water Project, giving life and vitality to those in need. Here is the link to make a donation in memory of Glen Huling.

Benefit Concert with Leraine Horstmanshoff, The Hardy Brothers, and the Africa Heartwood Drum & Dance Ensemble
March 2, 2013 (Saturday), 7-10pm, SLC
Facebook Event Page

Fliers for the Benefit Concert:
Click for link to Benefit Cocnert Poster (pdf file)

Thank you to Dancing Cranes Imports for hosting the Concert, and for also donating proceeds from their unique jute bag sales to this Village Water Project! 

Links to support our Benefit Concert event sponsors

The Hardy Brothers 
Leraine Horstmanshoff
The Africa Heartwood Drum & Dance Ensemble
Dancing Cranes Imports
Cuisine Unlimited
KPDR Channel 19
Water Wellness


Drumming Workshop with Andy Jones
February 9, 2013 (Saturday), 2-6pm, SLC
Facebook Page link
Email Blast link


Donation Goal: $7,000.00
Donations Made: $9,985.76

Oct 29-Nov 9, 2012: $600
Nov 10, 2012 – Drum Workshop & Lodge: $930
Nov 11-Dec 31, 2012: $1,300
Jan 1-25, 2013: $590 
Feb 9, 2013 – Drum Workshop & Lodge: $749
March 2, 2013 – Benefit Concert @ Dancing Crane: $3,320.76
March 2, 2013 – Silent Auction at Benefit Concert: $2,320.00
March 10, 2013 – Singing Circle benefit by Stacey Cole: $176

Donations Needed: $0.00 – FUND RAISING COMPLETE!

Help QueerSpirit by Making a 
Donation for Clean Water Today!

General Donation for QueerSpirit Water Project

In Memory of Glen Huling 

As of 11.15pm March 2nd, at the close of the Benefit Concert, enough funds have been raised to complete the QueerSpirit Water Project ($7,000), PLUS finance another hand dug well in Liberia ($2,000), PLUS take us half way to yet a third village water project in Liberia ($985.76). We extend our most heartfelt thanks to all who donated time, goods, prayers, services, sweat (literally!) and money to make this community-based effort to beautiful success! Bore hole work will begin within a week!

Photos from the Benefit Concert on March 2, 2013 

In the news!

Check out these articles written about QueerSpirit’s effort to raise money for clean water! 


Learn more about Africa Heartwood Project’s other successful Village Water Projects in West Africa, and how we have provided clean water to thousands of individuals in rural communities over the past 4 years.